Selasa, 17 Februari 2015

Home ‘Cozification’: Shrewd Concepts to Get You Started

For many homeowners, a cozy, relaxing and inviting home goes beyond aesthetic perfection.

While the idea of the consummate relaxation haven can vary from one person to another, cozy spaces share a lot of similarities.

If turning your place into the ultimate relaxation sanctuary ranks high in your list, below are some savvy tricks you can employ to get you off to an amazing start.

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Make climate-control systems work for you

Come to think about it, your home’s climate is a huge contributing factor in your comfort and that of your guests. 

Imagine living in extreme conditions of cold or hot and you can picture out how frustrating or agitating it would be sans climate control options.

Fortunately, climate control systems are available to ensure the climate in your home is not too cold nor too hot.

You can also enlist the help of nature to help ensure the climate in your place is exactly to your liking.

For starters, you can consider installing operable windows as opposed to their traditional counterparts as it can effectively allow natural light and fresh air in.

Extend your water heater’s life

Typically, water heaters can last as long as 11 years.

How this beneficial innovation contributes to making your home comfortable needs no explanation.

However, if you don’t observe proper hot water maintenance, a water heater breakdown can drive you crazy and make you utterly uncomfortable.
Ensure your water heater stays in peak shape by flushing and draining it once annually. Also, to help extend its life, set its temperature at 120 celcius or lower.

Refer to the owner’s manual for more tips or you can have a certified professional check the system for you.

Be wary of frozen pipes

It’s hard to imagine being all cozy and comfortable when you have a burst pipe to deal with.

During the cold and bleak winter months, ensure you have your pipes in constant check.

Neglect them and you can end up with costly damage and a massive headache to boot. (think: flooding, leaks, rotting)

If you don’t want to interrupt your comfortable existence, ensure you look after your pipes during wintertime.

You can also ask the help of a professional plumber to help ensure your pipe’s integrity remains intact.

Have your boilers checked regularly

A typical boiler can last as long as 30 years. However, devoid of proper upkeep it can act up before its expected lifespan.

Envision your hot water system not working accordingly. You can only imagine the discomfort and the hassle a similar scenario can bring. 

Suffice it to say, keeping your boilers in peak shape can undoubtedly help bring about the cozy and comfortable home you have always wanted.

Check for leaks and look for any signs of corrosion. You also need to ensure both the pressure and temperature is within the safe range.

Otherwise, it is recommended that you enlist the help of a licensed plumber to accurately check your system and remedy problems before they escalate.  

Opt for a low-flow shower head

When you are having a long and stressful day, a nice warm shower might be just what you need to de-stress.

Fortunately, you can now get your hands on low flow shower heads that help make the experience all the more relaxing.

Unlike its counterparts a few decades back, low flow shower heads have been designed to provide acceptable spray.

In addition, installation is quick and straightforward so you can enjoy that relaxing shower anytime you fancy.

Transforming your space into a warm, relaxing and welcoming haven is no walk in the park. However, as long as you start with the abovementioned basics and work your way from there, you will eventually end up with a place you can truly relax and get lost in.

Home ‘Cozification’: Shrewd Concepts to Get You Started Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Dean