Kamis, 25 Juni 2015

3 Things to Avoid When Planning a Home Remodel

When wanting to remodel your home, it is generally not a spur of the moment decision. The entire process takes ample time and planning, by making many small decisions that come together to create one vision. By organizing your thoughts and taking your time to understand what a home remodel truly entails, will save yourself from a large amount of stress that can come from such projects.

Overlooking the Details.

Getting a grasp on the details of the project is going to give you a clear understanding of how much work actually needs to be done. When adding on to a house or having to tear down the walls you should note that you may have to do some rewiring and possibly change some of the HVAC system setup. There are many behind-the-scenes features that need to be considered in order for your new space to flow properly. The cost will include more than just the new structure and what you see. Keeping that in mind will help you have realistic expectations for the remodel.

Spending Willy-Nilly Style

Just as it is never a good idea to be looking for houses without a budget, it is also never a good idea to take on a home remodel project without a budget. This is an investment and should be taken seriously as such.

“Creating a budget that lays out the approximate cost of EVERYTHING that goes a home remodel project is essential,” said AlethiaErotas, a Minnesota home builder. “This may turn out to be an exhaustive list of items, but it’s crucial in order to know exactly how much you will need to save and spend on getting the remodel you want.”

There is nothing more defeating than having your spending get out of control and regretting it later. This causes stress on the entire household and can have a serious strain on relationships. To protect your family and your finances, do not do any ‘willy-nilly’ spending. Keep everything calculated and accounted for.

Not Comparing Prices

“Once you have the details of the project planned out, it’s a good idea to ask several contractors to give you realistic quotes on how much the project will cost,” said Bard Tresbech of Corporate Mechanical HVAC.“This will help you to create anaccurate budget and see if you can move ahead with the project right away, or if you need more time to save more money. Not all contractors are going to charge you the same—they may be comparable, but they won’t be the same. You want to be able to predict exactly how much this project is going to cost you.”

Setting yourself up for success while planning a home remodel project is the most stress free way to go about things. Having your home under construction is stress enough for most people, so having a good plan prior to the start of the project will help keep stress to a minimum. Taking the time to budget, plan, vision, and get quotes is worth the wait when you are able to proceed with the project without having to worry about going over budget and have clear expectations of how the project will go.

3 Things to Avoid When Planning a Home Remodel Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Dean