Senin, 14 September 2015

Renting a New Apartment? How to Make Your Place Feel Bold and Like Home

Renting a new studio apartment has many advantages. A new space means a fresh start with exciting possibilities. However, there are some limitations to apartment living that may make your space feel a little less homey. Some landlords may not allow you to paint with certain colors, and you might just have to keep those old well-worn carpets in place. But you don’t have to let a few restrictions cramp your style. Use some of these tips to go bold in your new apartment and make it instantly feel like home.

Swap out your light fixtures to bring your personal style into the space.
In rental properties, you’ll often find that elements like light fixtures are chosen strictly on price point rather than style. This is a change you can make as long as you do your research first. If you aren’t at all comfortable in dealing with electrical changes, be sure to bring in a skilled friend or family member to help. Once you’ve checked out the wiring and double-checked dimensions, this is a great way to infuse your unique style into a rental space.

For example, if you want a very feminine look, add a chandelier as lighting in your bedroom or even an office space. There are many options for contemporary looks in everything from glass to metal. For a cozy, farmhouse feel, try lantern-style lighting or Edison bulbs.

Floor length mirrors combine functionality with character.
A very simple way to create the feel of more space in your apartment while incorporating bold style is to add floor length mirrors. One of the advantages of large mirrors like these is that they don’t have to be mounted on a wall. Therefore, you have the flexibility to move them easily whenever you want to change your furniture configuration or add new pieces. Floor mirrors come in all sorts of styles, with some of them including wood overlays or etched designs. Adding mirrors helps open up a room, giving the illusion of more space. This is especially helpful in apartments where you might be dealing with less square footage overall.

If you have some old mirrors hanging around but just don’t care for their frames anymore, you can DIY a new one in your favorite style. Using sturdy wood or metal, build the frame and fasten the pieces with carriage bolts
. These bolts are typically used in wood or metal building applications and help ensure a solid construction. Since you'll be attaching a mirror, the proper screws are essential in order to withstand its weight over time. Once the frame is built, secure the mirror to your new frame and you have a brand new stylized piece for your apartment.

Create a DIY headboard that’s easy to move and makes a bold statement.
If you’ve moved around a lot, you may know that large-scale furniture like sofas and beds can create a hurdle in a new space. Just how do you fit your king size headboard into your cozy apartment bedroom? Bring in a fabric headboard. This is where your imagination can really run wild. You are only limited by the fabric styles you find in your local fabric store. You can even buy pre-made curtains to make it really simple.

For this type of headboard, you’ll need to secure a curtain rod on the wall or ceiling wherever you want the top of the headboard. Think about how you’re going to hang the fabric and be sure to measure well. Now you can hang any type of fabric that suits your style. You can even incorporate string lighting to create an ethereal look. This is also a perfect project for children’s rooms. It’s a quick and easy way to make a canopy bed that can be customized for boys and girls alike.

Don’t feel stifled by apartment living. There are still plenty of opportunities to infuse bold style without breaking the bank or risk losing your deposit. 

Renting a New Apartment? How to Make Your Place Feel Bold and Like Home Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Dean